| 1. | Additions of organic matter to soil hasten calcium losses . 土壤增施有机质会促进钙的损失。 |
| 2. | The final process in organic matter decomposition is known as humification . 有机物分解的最后程序称为腐殖质化。 |
| 3. | High energy environment are not conducive to the retention of organic matter in muds . 高能量环境不利于有机物在软泥中的保存。 |
| 4. | The excreta of humans and land animals contain soluble refractory organic matter . 人和陆生动物排泄物含有可溶的难处理有机物质。 |
| 5. | These compounds make up approximately 10 to 15% of the total organic matter in soils . 这些化合物占整个土壤有机质总量的10-15。 |
| 6. | Soil organic matter is the product of microbial decomposition of plant and animal residues . 土壤有机质是微生物分解植物和动物残体的产物。 |
| 7. | The organic matter in soil contains a small but fairly uniform proportion of phosphate . 土壤有机质中含有少量的磷酸盐,且其比例始终不变。 |
| 8. | Molluscicides are quickly inactivated by sunlight and adsorption to mud organic matter . 灭螺剂因阳光作用、泥土及有机物质的吸收会很快失效。 |
| 9. | Colonization of a calcareous stripmine spoil by earthworms promoted incorporation of organic matter . 在石灰质露天矿引入蚯蚓,可促进有机物的结合。 |
| 10. | Other microbes break the organic matter down into nitrates, which the roots of plants can use . 另一些微生物把这种有机物分解成植物根系可以利用的硝酸盐。 |